Born in a picturesque small town named Hasimara, near India-Bhutan border, he spent all his school life there with a “loving and caring” family and some “naughty and studious” friends. He is the youngest of two siblings and is a complete “Mommy’s boy”. After graduating with Ag. Statistics as anelective, he went on to complete his MBA. Having worked in the Financial Sector for the last couple of years, he has just taken up a new assignment in a re-insurance company in Mumbai. Now you know the reason why I call him the “Finance guy”?
Hmm...the list is endless, but let me try to put few that I admire the most. He is the one who makes me Dream, and believes – you are worthy of your wildest dreams. He is passionate about his dreams and often says “Dream big and chase them and it is going to be worth it”. True to the meaning of his name (Seba+Brata -> one who has taken an oath to help others), he is always there to help others unconditionally and in every phases of their lives. He is incredibly gifted and that never ceases to amaze me.
He genuinely makes me laugh - not just a conscious little giggle, but a belly choking one. Whether or not we have the same taste in food, sport, music or movies, he is always willing to try something new.
In short, I am crazy about him, and never knew that you could find someone who makes you even more of who you are.
Well, the one thing that instantly comes to my mind is his Perfectionist trait. Everything should be perfect in his books, even a casual email has to be perfect. Being together for so long, we both have now figured out that we can only try our best to make things perfect, but if they do not work that way out, then may be GOD has better plans for us, and we should be willing to accept it. And in some rare occasions, we do agree to disagree on few things happily. I feel incredibly blessed and am excited to start this new journey, and spend the rest of my life with my best friend.